Sunday, September 16, 2012

A couple of days in New York

Just back from a couple of days in New York. Was at a conference so limited time to take pictures and on Saturday, which was free I stayed in midtown. It was 25-30 degrees and I stayed next to the park so guess where I went... But before that - Time Square and M&M store...

Only on Time Square...

M&M World on Time Square exclusive...

On the way back... It's on 6th avenue... note to self! Some day I want to see the original. Don't remember where it is now but I've seen this in Tokyo, New York and Berlin. And on the cover of the book 'A Love Story' of course.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Feathers at Piccadilly a Sunday evening

Last weekend we passed by Regent Street and saw that there was a circus of some sort. When googling we saw that there was a surprise at Piccadilly Sunday night so we decided to check it out. They had filled Piccadilly with feathers... People rushed to it, and people had fun - adults and children alike!

We were not the only photographers...

Second after she poured the feathers over herself

We decided to have some fun as well, throwing feathers together with everyone else :-) 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Liten hates leaving the park - I would if I was her!

The day after Jakob's wedding we went with Liten to the park so she could play some. She HATES leaving the park. I can totally understand why!! She loves it there! 

She loves water!! Baby swimming might be one of her favourite activities and as soon as there is water around... Well, one must try right!? :-)


Mikaela has as much fun as Liten I think. It's hard not to smile when Liten is happy! 

Like mother like daughter - Liten never ever stay still!

We ran into Johan and Camilla in the park. We talked for a while but then we had to part. Bye bye!!

A couple of pictures from before Jakob's wedding

I got the opportunity to take some pictures both before the wedding and during the party. They are not really processed yet but here's a preview. Will add some more soon! As best man together with Isak I got to spend some time with the couple before they were wed. I met them in Katrineholm the evening before and then we went together to Julita Gard where they were married. The pictures below are taken after they were dressed but before church. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Holidays in Devon and Cornwall

After the 1000 mile trip to Devon and Cornwall during the long weekend we were actually going to drive down to Dover to look at the cliffs ('Dovers vita klippor i solnedgang' as the Swedish band Style sang about in Eurovision) and the castle. Instead we got tickets for Chicago and as it turned out - yesterday was the last show ever of Chicago in London...!

Our trip started in Torquay. We drove down Wednesday evening so that we would have a whole day ahead of us. We started with a model village - really impressive. They also had some owls...

On the way back we drove by Stonehenge. Unfortunately it was closed and completely dark so we'll have to go back but in the meantime we got a good preview. 

I wonder how well this store would manage in the real world... 

A city street from two sides below... Impressively well built. Well worth a visit

After Torquay we drove to north Devon and Croyde where we had surfing lessons. We stayed in Clovelly, a little fishing village. As this whole area the tide take its toll... Surfing was hard but fun. The last day (of two) I managed to 'catch a wave' - i.e. surf a wave on my own without help from the instructor... :) Unfortunately, and naturally we had no chance of taking our cameras to the beach. After Devon we went on to C

After Devon we went on to Cornwall and St Ives, which was maybe the nicest and most picturesque of all cities we visited. 

Lots of sea gulls so you can imagine the noise...

Then we were off to Lands End, the most eastern part of England. Rugged and beautiful!

We went back in the dusk to try to catch the sunset. We brought tripods, monopods and lots of camera gear but it didn't matter - too cloudy... Better luck next time! But we had some fun while there and we DID catch some red light in the sky. Better than nothing! 

Finally we went to Penzance where we visited a fish festival in an adjacent town. We bought a big lobster. Because of the rain we had to eat in in protection of the trunk of the car. Delicious!