Friday, October 19, 2012

Prep for wedding photography course

In preparation of this weekend's photography course we went to a wedding fair where they had a catwalk. Great fun, but it was very difficult to shoot! They were moving fast and light was very difficult. But we got some good shots (and lots of good practice). And I got good use of my new lens.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A young warrior at 'Battle'

This weekend we went to Hastings to see the replay of the battle of Hastings 1066 (the battle actually took place in 'Battle'). On the field we found a young warrior ready to defend England.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Finally caught the sunset

We tried at Lands End. A couple of other places in Cornwall and Devon. Etc. But we have never really succeeded to catch it - until now. While walking back from the white cliffs at Dover we saw the sun setting over Dover Castle. Good things come to those who wait!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

A day at Skansen with Liten

Spent last weekend in Stockholm running a race on Saturday. On Sunday I went with my sister and my niece to Skansen, the Stockholm 'zoo'. My niece just started walking so it is all very exciting! When getting ready my sister needed for Liten to be distracted. How best to distract her? Jewellery!

Not that easy to eat corn when you hardly have any teeth... But hey, if you love it - what can you do???

Beautiful Stockholm!

She cannot stand still when there is music. She sure loves her music!

What is it? Pipi! Very Exciting!!