Monday, March 25, 2013

Shooting Gothic with Ryo Love

We keep doing model shoots and it's a lot of fun. In our Gothic shoot we shot Ryo Love in two different looks. In the first shot she looked like a Goddess and the pictures were amazing. Can't wait to finish off the second set!

More models at our Modelling gallery

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Little peek of the Peak District

On the way back from Yorkshire Dales the other weekend we drove by Peak District. Wanted to check out whether it was worthwhile spending a weekend to go back for real. Judge yourself but I'm quite sure I will be back!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wish it was spring photos

Am freezing! So wish it would be spring. So we had a flower shoot.

See more portrait shots at

Flower fantasy shoot - shooting wonderful (Swedish) Delali

Delali, which turned out to be Swedish (talk about small world), did not move during the entire shoot (because of the flower arrangement). Made me work more, but I got some really amazing shots!

See more model pictures at

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Photoshop manipulation

This weekend I have been spending on editing pictures from a photo shoot during the week. Interesting what you can do with photoshop. Here is the original... 

And here is the edited version...

Hiking in Yorkshire Dales

The last couple of weeks have been really busy. Except for my day job we have built and developed the Fotoble webpage and have set up a Facebook page (search for fotoble in Facebook and please like our page). Also, last weekend we went on a three day hike in the Yorkshire Dales. It was snowy and cold on Saturday but a bit nicer on Sunday. More pictures on

On the first day of the hike, which started in Kettlewell - a village with 323 citizens - we hiked up on a plateau that was fairy windy and where there was a bit of snow... 

Once down from the plateau it was fairly green though... 

The day after we went to a waterfall, where we had to climb 40 metres (or so) up a rock. The view up there was magnificent. 

Once up we kept on walking along the plateau. Views kept on being nice and quite dramatic.

At the other end of the plateau we got a good look on the Yorkshire Dales.

After two days on hiking, Monday came and it was time to head home. Weather was still a bit tricky but roads were fine. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Is the only thing worth seeing in Birmingham the sunset?

Last weekend we went to Birmingham for the Focus on Imaging 2013, Europe's biggest annual imaging show. We decided to make a weekend out of it and headed off to Birmingham to check it out. Not my favourite city in England so far I must admit but I am sure there is more to it than what we saw. The central parts were pretty nice but that's about it. I liked the fountain at Victoria Square though!

Day after we went to Bicester Village - the place where you can find branded products at discount prices. Masha picked up a very nice Ralph Lauren vest. Much nicer than mine!

And on the way home we were lucky enough to catch the sunset. A perfect ending of the day!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

In deep water with

So, I'm into deep water - have done something I've never done before... Have built a website. Of course I haven't built it from the beginning. We bought a shell and then we set it up. THAT was complicated enough!!! If we'll ever build a real website simplicity will be needed! It should be like a Mac - easy to navigate and intuitive. Can't say that this was. But getting the hang of it. And it's fun!

Of course it's a photography website. It has a section for weddings, one for portraits and one for modelling. We call it (cool name don't you think?). It's still under construction but here it is:


For the wedding pictures we started out with Jakob and Linn, my baby brother who got married last fall. What could be more perfect?

My niece Alexandra was the obvious choice when we posted our first portrait pictures.

The modelling part was less obvious but we chose from a couple of different shoots. One of which was Annaliese Dayes.

See you at!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Shooting Annaliese from America's Next Top Model

The other weekend we got to shoot Annaliese Dayes from America's Next Top Model. Annaliese was great and we all had a lot of fun! The clothes are designed by Mercy Ogole and Claire Appelby was the makeup artist.