Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sneak peak of the Lake district

Earlier this summer, when it was still nice outside, we went on a trip to Hadrian's wall - the Roman wall that goes from coast to coast and was protecting the Roman empire from the north. On the way we passed through the Lake District. So pretty! Will we go back there - most definitely!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

There is no better place to be than the playground

Luckily we have a playground just outside our door. How else would Alexandra survived - no swing!!?? Few things are as much fun. And Wolf got to ride as well. Lucky Wolf!


Future model for sure!

A day at the farm

Have had my niece and sister visiting. Alexandra loves animals so we decided to visit a farm. But before going to the farm it's important to eat:

And don't forget to change nappy on the pig!

Maybe not on the big pig… 

A family crossed our path

Good day!