Tuesday, September 23, 2014

View from an office window in Canary Wharf

I cannot complain about the view from our office windows. Many days you can't see the buildings because of the fog but this Sunday there was no fog. I have seen the skyline of City of London almost every day for the past six and a half years - isn't it breathtaking?

Saturday, September 6, 2014


It's the first weekend in September and it's still warm and what better way to spend an early spring weekend than at dad's summer place - Fejbol (about 100km out of Stockholm). The place is very nice, very relaxing. It is just by the lake Båven.

It was warm enough for the yellow jackets still to be out... 

During the day we took a walk in an oak forrest. On the way there was lots and lots of horses. Magnificent animals. 

Once in the forrest there was mostly cows. And they were very curious. 

Dad walking the little one.

My beautiful wife. 

Like a painting by Monet.