Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Canterbury tales

When waking up on Saturday morning Maria suggested a road trip. We haven't been in a while and she thought we could go to Bath. We discussed a bit and decided to go east. We started with Charles Darwin's house outside of London and then continued east to Kent and Canterbury. Despite its size (43,000 people live there), Canterbury is one of the most visited places in England.

As in many places in England it is very green and nice in the area

We ran into some cows

Once in Canterbury, which really is a lovely little town (we had dinner at Trapiste, a Belgian restaurant that we really recommend) we started out with the cathedral.

Very beautiful...

...and peaceful

Once done we took a short stroll in the town. We ran into a somewhat crooked house... Over the door was a quote from Charles Dickens...

After Canterbury we drove on in search of other sights. We found a cross and a viking ship...

Finally we had dinner in lovely little Margate. We drove by a sign advertising for a Soviet restaurant in and decided to check it out. Lovely food and very good service. Overall, the service in this part of the country really surprised us and we really enjoyed the people - so friendly!

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