Monday, May 19, 2014


The third time I went to Ukraine I went to Dnepropetrovsk, a Russian speaking city in central Ukraine and the home city of my wife. It was great to see all her relatives and where she grew up. The city clearly bore signs of the Soviet Union, but the city was very friendly and we found a coffee place which had the best coffee I've had so far in Ukraine. Will be coming back!

Soviet style...

In the Soviet Union Dnepro was one of the key centres of the nuclear, arms and space industries in the Soviet Union. In particular it is home to the Yushmash, a major space and ballistic missile design bureau and manufacturer. Because of its military industry Dnepro was was a closed city until the 1990s.

Found a Lenin monument!

No more Lenin on the central square...

Support for Maidan

Public transport



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