Saturday, August 30, 2014

Exploring Sweden: Uppsala

When we started to explore Sweden Uppsala - the fourth largest city in Sweden and located about 70km north of Stockholm - was the obvious choice. It is a very nice town with the castle and cathedral being two of the main sights. Uppsala, which was once called Östra Aros, has always been a religious centre and it has one of the oldest universities in Europe. Carl von Linné lived in Uppsala at the end of his life. It was a short trip and we should definitely go back.

The little one was very excited about going!

The cathedral is built in Gothic style and is one of the largest in Northern Europe with its towers reaching almost 119 metres. 

The castle, which was once the home of Sweden's first king - Gustav Vasa - was a reminder of Swedish history! Very special place!

Gustav Vasa is buried in the cathedral, a magnificent place. 

Outside the train station there is a gigantic bike parking. Everyone bikes in Uppsala. 

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