Monday, April 2, 2012

A few days in exotic Goa

After finishing Shantaram, one of the best books I've ever read, I felt an urge to go back to Bombay - so I bought a ticket for a week. I also wanted to go somewhere else as well though and I decided on Goa. I got two friends to go with and we decided to meet up in India. Once on the ground I ran into some problems. I only had the ticket for the connection flight electronically, which has never before been a problem. All I met now was 'no ticket, no flight'. Couldn't believe my ears but there was only one solution - to buy a new ticket... Finally I arrived in the very small but exotic state - Goa.

The Indian Ocean is hot (around 27 degrees) and the beaches are very very nice. We stayed at a little resort right on the beach.

As it should be, there was plenty of people around exercising yoga and meditation.

We didn't spend all the time on the beach but made several excursions. Below is a little village right outside a spice plantation. 

They also offered elephant rides. 

One day we also took a boat tour in the swamps. There were plenty of crocodiles. Some were easy to see... 

...but quite a few were not... 

After some relaxing days in Goa we got back on the plane to go back to one of the craziest and busiest cities in the world. Bombay... 

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