Friday, April 6, 2012

Bombay, one of the greatest cities on earth

My previous boss once wrote on Facebook after a visit that he found India fascinating, that he loved it and would be back but still felt very good about leaving... I think it was well put and I completely agree. India is a fascinating place. It's extremely dirty, incredibly crowded but I love it.

There is nowhere that I have been where contrasts are as stark as in India. We stayed at the Taj, seen below with Gateway of India to its right, and got to experience the better part with majestic outsides...

...and luxurious insides.

Other people are not as fortunate. After taking this family's picture I bought them some rice and oil. 

Some people say there are up to 25 million people living in Bombay. The official figures are much lower but certain is that there are people everywhere. Public transport is strained and trains are always full...

...and cars and motorcycles are always fully loaded.

A couple of things are hard getting used to. Firstly, people sleep at the most curious places. The man below is sleeping in the gutter of one of the main streets in Colaba, or south Bombay - the most central parts of the city and home of the financial industry. 

Secondly, it never seizes to amaze how many wants to have their picture taken with you. My friend looks very exotic to them and was asked countless times!

After a week it was time to go back to Europe. It felt good going home. But I will be back. For sure... 

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