Friday, August 3, 2012

Cuba - a weird but interesting place

To me Cuba was a lot about Che (his picture really is everywhere), run down buildings and cars from the 50s - the country really does seem to have been stuck at 1959, the year of the 'Revolucion'.

But there is a lot more to it. Cubans sure love their music. They love their salsa... Below is from Buena Vista Social Club

This guy was singing at a Hemingway monument

And they are good at cigars... Below is a guy who makes the cigars himself. He let me try. Very sharp taste. I bought a couple of Romeo and Juliette instead. I thought we could have them at Jakob's wedding in a couple of weeks. 

This picture is taken at Hemingway's favourite mojito bar in Havana. 

Part of the trip was a visit to Vinales, a village west of Havana. It was very green. Pretty.

We stayed at 'home shares' with real Cuban people. 

The signs had a purpose...


Never seem as many horses with carriages before...

The real Marlborough man? Given the embargo with US it's not likely but who knows...

Finally we spent a couple of days at Maria la Gorda where we got some beach time. 

There were lots of animals (well mostly birds) and we saw humming birds for instance. The shore was extremely stony and the rocks were quite sharp, which made it a bit difficult to get into the water. Even the animals thought so... 

You can understand why Hemingway wanted to live here... It's warm and nice and lots and lots of rum.  Or 'ron' as the Cubans say (or write) ;-) 
Hemingway's type writer

The boat from 'Old man and the sea'... 'Gregorio' - the model for the book inherited Hemingway's house when he passed and he passed it on to the Government. Very Cuban...  

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