Saturday, August 11, 2012

Olympics is almost over - fencing report...

So, the Olympics are almost over... Haven't been able to catch too much on TV but have seen three events live - archery, fencing and football. I think I enjoyed archery the most, followed by the football and then fencing. But all were fun. On fencing we had a hard time figuring out the scoring system. We think we figured it out in the end, but not sure... In any case, the pictures below are from the female final and bronze match. South Korea beat France for the bronze and Italy crushed Russia in the final. Italy is said to have the best team ever - in the individual tournament (we saw the team competition) Italy won gold, silver AND bronze!!

The fencing was in excel centre...

The most impressive and successful Italian... Recognised her by her red shoes



Score again! :)

The Italian tries to avoid, but still - score!

And again!!

Italy won by wide margin!

Team is happy!

So is the audience!

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