Thursday, November 7, 2013

Land's End - the most westerly place of England

Our next stop was Land's End. It's the most westerly place of Cornwall and England. This is our second visit so it's obvious we really like it. This time we stayed at the Land's End hotel - we could think of nothing better than to stay in the middle of it and we really hoped we would catch the sunset. But first off, Pendennis Castle. It was built in 1539 for King Henry VIII to guard the entrance of the river Fal. There is another castle, St Mawes, which is its opposite number of the east bank and they were built to defend from the French and Spanish threats of future attacks.

Caught some bees outside the castle... well as some guys who were fishing

We got to Land's End in the late afternoon...

....and we managed to catch a bit of the sunset

The morning after we took a walk. 

The landscape is very rugged

And they have a farm close by. We were met by a rooster who kept guard. 

Their pig was catching a lot of attention. 

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