Saturday, November 3, 2012

Cotswolds is such a nice part of England!

We decided to take a little trip to Cotswolds last weekend. Two hours drive out of London and completely amazing - so picturesque! We stayed in a little village called Bourton on the Water. It had a little model village and even a model of the model village in the model village. The first day the sun was bright, which was fantastic (even though it was cold) but made pictures difficult. Day two was cloudy - not as nice but better for pictures... Hard choice which I like the best...

Bourton on the Water below. The Croft in the background. We had dinner there on Saturday night - had the most wonderful duck.

Maria tries to hide in model village... 

Waiting for celebrities?

Very autumny...


Hopeful that Royal Mail will not lose this letter... 

Lots of sheep around

Lower Slaughter - very nice, very picturesque... Nice for a walk

Upper Slaughter was also pretty! But less to see - most houses where people lived. But where a place to live!

Stanton... Could see myself living here too... 

Broadway Tower (outside Broadway) had deer and sheep...

Bibury is supposed to be one of the most beautiful (if not the most beautiful) villages in England. We saw Arlington Row (below) on a lot of postcards. 

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