Sunday, November 25, 2012

Off to Dover to see the white cliffs

After visiting Hastings we figured, why not go to Dover to see the white cliffs. It was a two hour drive both to London and Dover and we hadn't been, so off we went. The day was fabulous and finally we got to see the sun setting in a cloudless sky (we have waited a long time and we are still a bit annoyed that we missed the sunset in Land's End because of a grey sky). Naturally the old Swedish song 'Dover-Calais' with Style was on my mind all along during the visit.

In many ways Dover IS the castle - it's for sure quite dominating...

We got a good view of the cliffs from the castle.

It was a beautiful day!

My little one and a half year old niece would say 'titt tut' if she'd been with...

Dover's white cliffs in the sunset... Or as we would say in Sweden (or rather sing) 'Dovers vita klippor i solnedgang' 

Sunset... Good things come to those who wait

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