Saturday, January 26, 2013

A little trip to Wales

Went on a photo shop course to Bristol yesterday and decided to make a weekend out of it. Crossed the border of Wales, the part of the UK that have cities such as Ynysgynwraidd. Naturally we decided to go further than Cardiff (in fact we saved Cardiff for another visit). We started the morning with a walk around Bristol, which on another note is impossible to drive in - just no logic to it!!

Around Millennium Square we found this interesting piece of art. 

Works well for reflections. Might be hard to see, but it's me in the middle. 

Masha playing with her camera and me playing with her position... .

Some locals had fun tonight. Poor Rajah Rammohun Roy

Now in Wales - on our way to Abergavenny

Wales is cold so it's important to keep the important parts warm!

Visit to the Abergavenny "Castle"

Have had good use of my warm jacket!

The best thing with Abergevenny was the view!


Sugar Loaf Mountain. Not easy to find and a VERY narrow road but eventually we got there! 

 Starting to get dark. The lights in the valley are starting to light up. We continue our journey. We will stay the night in Hay on Wye. Tomorrow we are off to Aberystwyth and if we have time (probably not) to Snowdon - the highest mountain in Wales (1,085m). 

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