Monday, January 21, 2013

Snow in the UK made me think of the very white Christmas

The challenges with the snow in London continue. There are negatives with snow - several tube lines were cancelled/delayed, lots of roads were closed because of accidents and very few trains ran on schedule. But it's very pretty. Below are some pictures from my dad's "summer" house from this Christmas. Welcome to Fejbol.

 Snow can be a lot of fun as well! I sure loved snow when I was younger. My niece certainly enjoys!

The thing about being very young is to try thing out. one must touch and taste most things, including soil and snow (how else to know)... Tasting snow sure is exciting!!!! 

And after all that excitement it's time for relaxation. And grapes...

In preparation for the main event - visit of Santa!!

Overnight it snowed even more...

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