Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Who says it doesn't snow in England?

After the white Christmas in Sweden it would be exciting to see some snow in England. London is fairly snowless so we decided to drive off to Cotswolds to see some landscapes. Very pretty, but difficult to drive of course. When we went to Broadway Tower, which is on a hill, we learned the hard way how difficult it is to drive up a hill with summer tires... But shame to those who give up. We parked the car at the bottom and walked. It was all worth it.  

Who says there is no snow in England?

While some enjoyed the snow... 

...we made sure to be well protected

The sheep didn't really seem to care

It was more fun in the fall when the deer was moving

Hungry sheep

Checking in

 After our visit we went off to Bibury, one of the most picturesque villages in England, for some tea. 

Arlington Row. Famous post card motive. Maybe the most famous Cotswolds one...

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