Saturday, December 15, 2012

Liten goes shopping in London

Last weekend we had important visitors - Liten (my niece Alexandra) came with my sister to do some Christmas shopping. We went to Selfridges and Harrods. What a sight Harrods was - especially for Liten, who loves lights. This was her third trip to London during her young life (she's one and a half). Such a globe trotter she is!

It's important to check the quality!

Hmm, which sweater do I like best?

She's very curious Liten. When one sees something as fascinating as a sack-pipe player for the first time in your life one has to stop and watch! 

And Harrod's Christmas decorations absolutely MUST be examined!! 

After a week-end full of shopping, Sunday unfortunately came and it was time to pack. 

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