Monday, December 24, 2012

The first presents

Alexandra (or Liten as we call her) is only one and a half years old and is experiencing her first Christmas where she is actually aware of what is going on. Santa brought her a cooking set made out of wood. Very nice - she loved it. She also got Chester, this year's annual teddy from Harrods. Liten has obviously been a good kid this year (not that anyone doubted...). Her wolf was naturally always close by when she tried out her new stuff.

While waiting she found two of her favourite things - lights and corn!

Look, what is this!!?? (in Swedish - 'titta! vad e de?') 

Have to try it out! Let's cook!

Hmm... Is it ready yet?

Nope, let's cook some more! Wolf is overseeing the process.

After cooking it was time to spend some time with Chester...

...before going back to the pans and the pots! Merry Christmas Liten!

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