Sunday, December 23, 2012

While waiting for Santa

At this time of year we are all waiting for Santa Clause. In Sweden he comes on Christmas eve (tomorrow) while England will see him (or at least get a visit during the night) the day after. While waiting, we searched for and found some Santas. We started out on Piccadilly. Very nice decorations, but no Santa. 

Oxford Street had one, but no moving Santas yet... 

After all the people at Oxford Street we had to take rest. Here at Vapiano's. The hat is 'Lovika' of course. Warm and nice!

At Selfridges we found our first real Santa, but again it was not moving. But Alexandra liked it and as is the case with most sitting objects, she wanted to sit in his lap. Naturally a toy helicopter flew by and concentration was moved elsewhere after a moment.   

Finally we found him!

Alexandra was fascinated! And shy... 

And tomorrow we are looking forward to a visit. For the first time Alexandra will be asked if there are 'any nice children here' tomorrow. Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Alexandra is beautiful!!!.I am sure she will get a nice present from Santa;)
