Friday, December 28, 2012

Popping in for chocolate fondue

December is cold. Sometimes very cold. Even though there is no snow at the moment London is raw. It's difficult to protect yourself. What is nicer then than to pop in somewhere for a coffee or tea and maybe some chocolate fondue! Here at a Turkish coffee shop on Piccadilly (next to Waterstones). Very nice.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Visit to Santa's Grotto

Santa has now visited all the children around the world. We visited his Grotto but it was of course closed as he was away visiting families. We should have known... But it was very nice nevertheless. The Christmas spirit is still very much around! In Sweden we say that Christmas lasts all the way to Easter. I wish... Merry Christmas everyone!

I hope nobody posted their letters too late!

I had my most Christmasy sweater on!

Monday, December 24, 2012

The first presents

Alexandra (or Liten as we call her) is only one and a half years old and is experiencing her first Christmas where she is actually aware of what is going on. Santa brought her a cooking set made out of wood. Very nice - she loved it. She also got Chester, this year's annual teddy from Harrods. Liten has obviously been a good kid this year (not that anyone doubted...). Her wolf was naturally always close by when she tried out her new stuff.

While waiting she found two of her favourite things - lights and corn!

Look, what is this!!?? (in Swedish - 'titta! vad e de?') 

Have to try it out! Let's cook!

Hmm... Is it ready yet?

Nope, let's cook some more! Wolf is overseeing the process.

After cooking it was time to spend some time with Chester...

...before going back to the pans and the pots! Merry Christmas Liten!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

While waiting for Santa

At this time of year we are all waiting for Santa Clause. In Sweden he comes on Christmas eve (tomorrow) while England will see him (or at least get a visit during the night) the day after. While waiting, we searched for and found some Santas. We started out on Piccadilly. Very nice decorations, but no Santa. 

Oxford Street had one, but no moving Santas yet... 

After all the people at Oxford Street we had to take rest. Here at Vapiano's. The hat is 'Lovika' of course. Warm and nice!

At Selfridges we found our first real Santa, but again it was not moving. But Alexandra liked it and as is the case with most sitting objects, she wanted to sit in his lap. Naturally a toy helicopter flew by and concentration was moved elsewhere after a moment.   

Finally we found him!

Alexandra was fascinated! And shy... 

And tomorrow we are looking forward to a visit. For the first time Alexandra will be asked if there are 'any nice children here' tomorrow. Can't wait!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

White Stockholm

ABBA The Museum opens on May 7th in Stockholm. When getting to Arlanda the other day it was kind of difficult to miss... :-) Weather is WHITE! Lots of snow and not that cold (3-4 degrees below) - perfect. Hope for a white Christmas this year!

A snowy Vasaparken - very pretty!

Kungstradgarden (very different from the Cherry trees blossoming that were all over the last time I was in the park playing with the camera)

Sodermalm in the background. Looks cold doesn't it?


Christmas decorations at Sergel's Torg

Christmas spirit at Drottninggatan (Oxford Street of Stockholm)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Oxford Street and Regent Street wish Merry Christmas

No exploration of Christmas lights is complete without the yearly light in the heart of London - from Piccadilly Circus up Regent Street and all along Oxford Street. We had a nice walk and I must confess that I have a little more Christmas feeling than a couple of days ago. Our Christmas tree at home has been set up and we have a Swedish 'adventsljusstake' but the Christmas decorations all over the city... Well, I guess it's the icing on the cake.

Oxford Circus looking down towards Selfridges. 

Looking in the other direction.

Regent Street wishes us all a Merry Christmas

Regent Street

Back on Oxford Street, walking towards Selfridges. 

Marmite - you either love it or hate it. I can admit - I am _ _ _ a fan... But thank you for sponsoring this years lights of course!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Shoreditch is preparing for Xmas in its own way

I love Christmas - it's probably my favourite holiday! I'm not alone - all over London people have their own way of preparing for the Holidays and to create the spirit. The most famous is of course the lights on Oxford Street and Regent Street but I had a walk around some other areas to have a look. Took a walk around Shoreditch this afternoon. It's always fun as the wall art constantly changes. And of course the area has its own way of preparing for the holidays. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!  

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Liten goes shopping in London

Last weekend we had important visitors - Liten (my niece Alexandra) came with my sister to do some Christmas shopping. We went to Selfridges and Harrods. What a sight Harrods was - especially for Liten, who loves lights. This was her third trip to London during her young life (she's one and a half). Such a globe trotter she is!

It's important to check the quality!

Hmm, which sweater do I like best?

She's very curious Liten. When one sees something as fascinating as a sack-pipe player for the first time in your life one has to stop and watch! 

And Harrod's Christmas decorations absolutely MUST be examined!! 

After a week-end full of shopping, Sunday unfortunately came and it was time to pack.